We are about to start our first fundraiser to help raise the funds for our Haiti adoption. It will be a raffle with the big payoffs being a flatscreen tv and an iPod...and whatever else we might be able to get donated. Our tickets are in printing right now and we should have them in a week to get started. We are also allowing our friends and family to help sell tickets and the highest seller will also be receiving an iPad...HOW EXCITING!!!! I know we have not even started the paperwork yet (which we will begin in January) but our family cannot wait to have our little guy home with us. I cannot even begin to explain the excitement in the girls...he cannot come soon enough! Please pray that our raffle will be a HUGE success and possibly be the only fundraiser we need to do, wouldn't that be such a blessing?
expecting mom!!
Praying for everything to go well. Can't wait to see your first family pics with yor son. Good luck. Love ya'll